ES Electric offers a wide range of services to help its customers maintain and/or increase the efficiency and reliability of their electrical distribution equipment and wiring, lighting, power and security devices and systems, electromechanical components, and Tele/data wiring and connections. ES Electric technicians are trained to evaluate and/or diagnose a variety of electrical problems, including: ES Electric offers custom-tailored electrical maintenance programs for its customers. These programs include periodic electrical inspections, testing with thermal imaging and other specialized equipment, miscellaneous troubleshooting, and reporting. ES Electric also specializes in the installation and maintenance of electronic metering and sub-metering equipment, data gathering modules, computers, and trunk-line wiring and high-speed Internet access connections for the remote reading of metering systems. ES Electric operates a variety of maintenance vans, trucks and other motor vehicles. These vehicles are necessary to mobilize job sites and respond to miscellaneous customer calls. ES Electric provides all of its customers with 24-hour emergency service with a maximum on-site response time of less than three hours.Electrical Maintenance, Metering and Testing